Mass of the Holy Spirit Homily

And in the time of Jesus, the Jewish people would call these scholars: “Lamps of the universe” or  “lights of the world.” These scholars brought light - a symbol for understanding, for truth - to the people. 

Lent Resources

Lent approaches. Well, the *calendar* says it's Lent, but many of us feel like Lent has descended upon us and remained for 2 years... Below you'll find some Lent resources if you want to dig in and honor the season in 2022. All of these opportunities meet synchronously online. I invite you to find one …

Episode 28 :: Raising Kids for a Just World with Lydia Wylie-Kellermann

Lydia Wylie-Kellermann is an author and activist I’ve admired for a long time, and I’m so happy to share her with you. Her latest book, The Sandbox Revolution, is a collection of essays from parent-activists around the U.S. It offers advice for raising children committed to social justice in the world today. Lydia offers beautiful forwards to each section of the book. When she’s not writing books, Lydia is the editor of Geez magazine, a paper-only publication that comes to your door four times a year with inspiration for living life more simply and justly.

Episode 26 :: Discerning Deacons with Ellie Hidalgo

Welcome back for Season 4! Today I’m talking with Ellie Hildago. She’s on staff with Discerning Deacons, a recent effort to promote dialogue around the issue of reinstating women deacons in the Catholic Church. We talk about this recent movement to recover the true memory of women in early Christianity - shout out to St. Phoebe- and about Ellie’s personal journey to doing this work. You’ll love hearing how she started out in Catholic journalism, the inside scoop on Pope Francis’ commissions on women deacons, and why Ellie says ordination of women deacons matters. Listen in.

The Spiral

Budhhist scholar, Joanna Macy, has articulated a spiral which is the focus of our service today. She calls it The Work that Reconnects.

2021 Festival of Mary Magdalene

Today's reflection comes to us from Erin Duffy-Burke, contemporary Catholic priestess and theAlogian. Enjoy her beautiful reflection on Mary Magdalene's role in Erin's own calling to heal, teach, sanctify, and serve - to be a priest.